Have A Plan
It’s easy to waste weekends when you don’t have a clear goal in mind. But having a plan actually makes your weekend happier and unlocks a key mechanism of joy, according to time management expert Laura Vanderkam.
Rather than waiting until the weekend to do chores like laundry and grocery shopping, try front-loading those activities during the week so that you’re not left wondering where your Sunday went.
Don’t Fill Every Minute
Unless you have a very flexible schedule, weekends can feel filled to the brim with tasks, chores and social events. This doesn’t leave much time for resting, relaxing or enjoying your free time.
Instead of just working on whatever projects you put off during the week, start planning ahead. Set aside a few hours on Friday to tackle one of your weekend “must do” items so you can focus on your well-deserved break.
Keep It Simple
Experts recommend planning for anchor events—a couple of things that will give your weekend structure and make it feel more meaningful. These might include something fun, such as a social outing or a DIY project, or it could be as simple as spending two hours in the kitchen cooking or doing the laundry. Then, the rest of your weekend can be more relaxed and less structured.
Don’t Overschedule
It can be tempting to jam as many fun activities into your weekend as you can, but doing so may actually be counterproductive. According to Vanderkam, the most successful people understand that “life cannot be constrained to a schedule.”
Instead of filling every minute with something, try to focus on three to five anchor events during your weekends. These events could be anything from exercise to volunteerism, but make sure that they are things you enjoy rather than something mundane like grocery shopping or laundry.

Rose Woofter writes about sustainable luxury and the growing trend of eco-friendly, yet lavish, travel experiences, with a focus on heritage railway carriages.